Paths in the New Year

Lots of great dreaming can take place from a chair, or a walk around the block, or on a path up the hill behind the house. We have been thinking about the wonderful possibility of travel opening up again in 2021, and so have scouted some new locations a [...]

Anna & Alba, Our Favorite Chefs!

One thing that we have missed in our time of staying home, aside from being able to carry out our hiking tours with you, are the always welcome visits from the zie (pronounced tz-ee-ay), or aunties.  They are Mario’s sisters but we have called them “the [...]

Marche, Umbria & Walking in the Rain

Let’s reflect on these two lesser known regions in Italy and take a deeper look at Le Marche, Umbria, and, as spring sometimes surprises us: hiking in the rain. Why not? After all, it is that time of year! A march, or mark, in the Middle Ages meant a bo [...]